The creative process is a path between heaven and hell, between the visible and the invisible, between the intellectual and the intuitive. It is about reaching into other bodies with my stories, languages and movement sequences, controlling the “how and the “why” …. then I have to leave them free, alone with their body/mind and their “because”. It is a wonderful and lively path and always very well accompanied by my favorite composer: Michio Woirgardt
(Maura Morales)
Category Archives: News
Maura Morales receives the “Kurt Jooss Preis 2013″ for “Wunschkonzert”
Maura Morales receives the prestigious “Kurt Jooss Preis” for “Wunschkonzert” with the music by Michio.
The award is the special appreciation for choreographers and is closely connected with the history of the city of Essen: Yesterday was the 5th Time the “Kurt Jooss Preis” awarded for young choreographers.