Standing ovations for the new duo of Maura & Michio at the “Deltebre Dansa” Festival

With great success, the Cooperativa Maura Morales presented current piece “„Exploración de una pérdia” on July 16 2024 as part of the “Deltebre Dansa” festival in Spain

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Cooperativa Maura Morales creates a full-length piece in Madrid

The Cooperativa is currently working on a full-length commissioned piece for the Descalzinha Danza company. The premiere will be celebrated on June 19: “Nicht berühren!” is the title (in German, mind you). A paradox, because Spain’s capital really can’t “not touch”

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Extended tour in April/May 2024

Despite the Cooperativa’s international commitment, the German tour of the current production “In-Side Sense”, which has been celebrated by both the press and the public, starts at the end of April. The culture magazine O-TON even got carried away and wrote of “another masterpiece from the pen of Cooperativa Maura Morales”


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Maura Morales dances in Madrid

On April 13, Maura and live musician Michio Woirgardt will perform their new duo “Exploración de una pérdia” at the picturesque “Plaza Matadero” as part of the “Cuerpo Romo” festivalIMG_4670

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Maura Morales choreographs in Rome

Maura is choreographing a piece for young dancers from the DAF Dance Arts Faculty in Rome. A special honor: The renowned DAF-Dance Arts Faculty is considered the cadre forge of the famous SpellBound-Contemporary Ballet.


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The official trailer for “Vom Verschwinden der Körper” is online

The body is always there, inescapable, fixed in the here and now. But at the same time, it is always somewhere else, connected to all the “elsewhere” in the world. It is the prison of the soul and always also the utopian step over the threshold of one’s own being. The dream threshold to a lighter place, to a lighter time. Every body tells two stories: the story of its location and the story of its disappearance.

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Successful premiere to a sold-out audience at Graz Opera House

Yesterday, the piece “Vom Verschwinden der Körper”, which Maura Morales created for the “Ballett Graz”, had its premiere at the Graz Opera House to an enthusiastic reaction from both the audience and the press

Foto: Werner Kmetitsch

A powerful symphony of bodies
Kronen Zeitung
[...] At the end, the audience sits in the dark and only hears the dancers’ breathing, which becomes quieter step by step until it fades away completely. Even if you can no longer see the dancers, you can still feel the echo of their bodies, which they have just chased furiously across the studio stage of Graz Opera for a good 60 minutes.
[...] It is a breathtaking evening that Maura Morales has created with eight dancers from Ballett Graz. [...]

A captivating play with body images
Kleine Zeitung
Vom Verschwinden der Körper tells of the body as a social construct in a highly dynamic way using the means of dance.
[...] It is about the description and decoding of the body as a social construct. It is about reflecting on subjective and social images of the body, performed captivatingly by eight members of the Graz Ballet ensemble.”
[...] Michio Woirgardt’s dynamic incidental music, a soundscape of natural, industrial and quasi-sacred noises that intensify into percussion as the production progresses, plays a major part in the hypnotic effect of the evening. Long cheers after almost 70 minutes.
-> more press


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Maura Morales in creative mode at the Graz Opera

The creative process is a path between heaven and hell, between the visible and the invisible, between the intellectual and the intuitive. It is about reaching into other bodies with my stories, languages and movement sequences, controlling the “how and the “why” …. then I have to leave them free, alone with their body/mind and their “because”. It is a wonderful and lively path and always very well accompanied by my favorite composer: Michio Woirgardt
(Maura Morales)

A circle closes- Maura Morales choreographs at Graz Opera


“I came to Austria 26 years ago, my first stop in Europe. The opportunities for artistic development appealed to me and I decided to stay, even though I was here illegally. My dreams were in inverse proportion to reality, but when you are born in Cuba, the challenges are very similar. I got a job washing plates in exchange for a place to sleep and two meals a day, I harvested potatoes to save money and to get a visa. I only spoke Spanish and didn’t understand the system. Now, 23 years later, I’m back in Austria, and this time to create a piece for the Graz Ballet at the Graz Opera. I’m celebrating the retrospective.” (Maura Morales)
Photo: Lorenzo Galdeman
Foto: Lorenzo Galdeman

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The official “In-Side Sense” trailer is online

Here is the official trailer of “In-Side Sense”, the latest production by Cooperativa Maura Morales

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Standing Ovations at the Premiere of “In-Side Sense” at FFT Düsseldorf

Audiences and press alike were impressed by the premiere of “In-Side Sense” at the sold-out FFT Düsseldorf.

“[...] The audience jumped out of their seats to frenetically celebrate another masterpiece from the hand of Cooperativa Maura Morales. And rightly so. Two more performances are planned for the weekend before the production goes on tour.” Michael Zerban for O-TON Kulturmagazin

-> to the article


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In 4 Days Premiere of “In-Side Sense”

2 months of work with a team that likes challenges as much as I do, a group of tireless and generous artists. They save my optimism every day and give me back the feeling of amazement when I see what they do with all their being.
I invite you not to miss these artists on stage full of grace, talent, humility and precious souls.

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In-Side Sense, the new production of Cooperativa Maura Morales

“In-Side Sense” – a furious dance theatre piece about being a stranger in one’s own body, about ecstatic moments beyond all security celebrates its premiere at the FFT in Düsseldorf on 1.12.

->Tickets are available here





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Maura Morales choreographs at the Opera Graz

Maura Morales will create the full-length dance piece “Vom Verschwinden der Körper” (On the Disappearance of Bodies) for the ballet ensemble of Graz Opera from December. The music will be composed by Michio Woirgardt.
Premiere will be on 8.2.2024



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Cooperativa Maura Morales creates at Bröllin Castle

Cooperativa Maura Morales is currently creating in beautiful backdrop of Bröllin Castle.
“Law of Ice” is the name of the dance collage by “Mecklenburg-Vorpommern tanzt an” as part of “TANZPAKT Stadt Land Bund”.
Premiere is on 2.9. in Greifswald


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Rehearsals begin for “In-Sides Sense” at the FFT in Düsseldorf

Cooperativa Maura Morales is in the process of the first rehearsal phase of the new production “In-Side Sense” at the FFT Düsseldorf.
Here are a few impressions!
Premiere is 1 + 2 + 3 December 2023 at the FFT

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Standing ovations at the “Deltebre en Dansa” festival in Spain

On 5 July, Cooperativa Maura Morales presented the current piece “Epic Dermis” at the “Dletebre en Dansa” festival in Spain.


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Widely acclaimed premiere of “Maria de Buenos Aires” in Stralsund

Review by Michael Mayer for the Ostsee-Zeitung:
Wow! They dare to do something in Mecklenburg Vorpommern! Ballet that gets down to the nitty gritty. Where conventional viewing habits are shredded. [...] Respect, one would have rather located this in Hamburg or Wuppertal. But Stralsund?

entire review ->



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Two days until the premiere of Maura’s first opera direction

Maura Morales is currently directing and choreographing the operita “Maria de Buenos Aires” for the Theater Vorpommern at the Stralsund Theatre. It is a cooperation with the Festspiele Mecklenburg Vorpommern.
Here are some impressions by Peter Van Heesen


-> more pics

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First opera production by Maura Morales

Maura Morales is currently directing and choreographing her first opera for Theater Vorpommern. It is the operita “Maria de Buenos Aires” by Astor Piazzolla after the libretto by Horacio Ferrer.
Premiere is on 22.06.2023
Here are a few rehearsal impressions:

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Premiere in Famalicao Portugal

Two days until the premiere of Cooperativa Maura Morales’ new creation for ITZ-Intranzyt Cia at the beautiful theatre “Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão” in Portugal

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Cooperativa Maura Morales performs as part of “tanzNRW23″

As part of the “tanzNRW23″ festival, Cooperativa Maura Morales will perform its current piece “EpicDermis” on 13.5 in the Festhalle Viersen and on 14.5 in the Pumpenhaus Münster.

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Cooperativa Maura Morales creates a full-evening piece in Portugal

Here are some impressions of the creation process of the choreography of the new contemporary dance piece by Cooperativa Maura Morales for ITZ-Intranzyt Cia in Famalicao Portugal.

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Maura Morales in the pre-jury at the 37th Competition for Choreography Hanover


Maura Morales is a member of the pre-jury of the 37th International Competition for Choreography Hanover of the Ballet Society Hanover.
There were 400 applications from more than 50 countries for the international competition for choreography in Hanover. From these, the pre-jury selected 20 entries.

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3 X Standing Ovations bei der Düsseldorf Premiere von “EpicDermis” im FFT Düsseldorf

We are overwhelmed by our phanstastic Düsseldorf audience.
A big thank you to you, as well as to our dancers, to the whole Cooperativa Maura Morales team, to the whole FFT team and to our friends and supporters.

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Pressestimmen zu “My Body, a Stranger,…”

New Start in Gießen
[...] For Giessen, Maura Morales and four dancers have created a breathtaking dance piece in just under four weeks, whose title “My body a stranger that protects me that kills me” is programmatic.
Dagmar Klein,
-> more

Self-assertion in a hostile world
An intense dance piece by Cuban Maura Morales celebrated its acclaimed premiere in the Kleines Haus of the Stadttheater.
Giessener Anzeiger
[...] It begins cautiously, with an almost imperceptible twitching of the shoulder blades. Then the first groping movements follow, before the curled-up, only scantily veiled body straightens up. It is a kind of awakening of consciousness that dancer Maja Mirek shows to soft electric sounds. But in the following 55 minutes, this develops into an incredibly intense, energetic piece in which a total of four young women defend themselves with strength and elegance against a threatening outside world. It is the new piece by Cuban choreographer Maura Morales, which premiered under the title “My body a stranger that protects me that kills me” on Friday evening in the Kleines Haus of the Stadttheater and was enthusiastically received by the audience.
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Maura Morales creates a full evening dance piece at the Gießen City Theater

Maura Morales has created the piece “My Body a Stranger, that protects me that kills me” for the dance ensemble of the Giessen City Theater.
Here is the official trailer:

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The official Trailer of “Epic Dermis” is online

The official trailer of the current production “Epic Dermis”, a full-length piece for five dancers, is now online.

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Successful premiere and following performances of “Epic Dermis”

On September 23rd + 24th the premiere of the new production “Epic Dermis” took place in front of a sold out audience at Ringlokschuppen Ruhr.

Also our guest performance on 30.9. at Fabrik Heeder in Krefeld in the context of the international dance festival “MOVE!” was enthusiastically received by audience and press.
We would like to thank the whole team, our great audience, our co-production partners Forum Freies Theater- FFT/ Düsseldorf, Pumpenhaus Münster, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, as well as our supporters Fonds Darstellende Künste from funds of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Cultural Office of the State Capital Düsseldorf for this unforgettable experience.


-> Press reviews

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Premiere of the new produktion “Epic Dermis” at Ringlokschuppen Ruhr

We are looking forward to the upcoming premiere of “EpicDermis” at the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr


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