Premiere on 12.10.2018 in the Ringlokschuppen / Ruhr
A dance piece for five dancers and a live musician.
Never before have women’s bodies become so “loud” that they could trigger a revolution. (Maura Morales)
Fear is currently experiencing its social renaissance. One of the many news on fear is the publicized extent of abuse of women by men in leadership positions. Sadly, the #MeToo debate has been reluctant to enter the world of dance, which, while appearing liberal to the outside, is characterized by strict, hierarchical structures and an androcentric view of the world. In “Phobos”, the Cooperativa with five dancers and a musician from a feminine perspective deals with the fear of powerlessness, shame and stigmatization and argues for an emancipatory sensuality and the abolition of being apart beyond the traumatization.
Funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste, the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as the Cultural Office of the City of Düsseldorf
A production of COOPERATIVA MAURA MORALES in co-production with Forum Freies Theater- FFT / Düsseldorf, Ringlokschuppen / Ruhr, Pumpenhaus / Münster, LOT-Theater / Braunschweig